Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekend Egnorance: "Atheists Don't Have No Songs"

Steve Martin sings the godless gospel.


  1. Rush had some good atheist songs on the Roll the Bones album.

  2. @SB,
    As a Canadian this is near heresy, but I will say it anyway: I have NEVER been a Rush fan. Not Ever. Seen them live twice, once in their prime...was not impressed.

    I do, however, like Tim Horton's Coffee, watch Hockey, and like both bacon and (REAL) beer. I own several toques, and say 'eh' with great frequency.
    So... It is about their style, not the flag or culture.
    Never liked Lee's voice, always found them to be too whiney. Too political. I basically saw them as Trudeau with a bass and drums :P
    I'll admit to having a sentimental attachment to a couple of their OLD tunes.

    I was already oblivious to them by the time 'Roll the Bones' hit the stands.
    Much better Canadian rock, folk, blues, choral, contemporary, and Jazz out there.

    As for GENERAL modern rock and metal having an atheist or even Satanic influence, I will agree some of it does. It sells to kids. Well, it used to. Hell, some of it even sounds good.
    The most popular current form of the 'piss daddy off' marketing strategy is 'thug' or 'gangsta', whereby scrawny wimps dress in baggy clothes, listen to some sort of repetitive chant (they call it 'rap' and 'music', but it is neither), act rude to everyone, and pack-swarm old ladies and little girls in an effort to assert their toughness.
    Makes one ALMOST miss the days of Roll The Bones, and Depeche Mode.

    As a soldier, I must admit the desire to blame this infantile garbage on too much idle/peace time. Lack of direction etc....

  3. "As a soldier, I must admit the desire to blame this infantile garbage on too much idle/peace time."

    Too much peace time?

    So war is a good solution for idle youth?

    Really? *shudder*

    As for atheist songs, John Lennon comes first to mind: "Imagine all the people, living for today."

    It's easy if you try...

  4. @RickK:

    "People living for today" isn't something you have to imagine. Look at the debt crisis.

  5. Atheists may not have no song but they do have some sort of a prayer ! Here it is...

    Our brains, which art in our heads, treasured be thy names. Thy reasoning come. The best you can do be done on earth as it is. Give us this day new insight to resolve conflicts and ease pain. And lead us not into supernatural explanations, deliver us from denial of logic. For thine is the kingdom of reason, and even though thy powers are limited, and you’re not always glorious, you are the best evolutionary adaptation we have for helping this earth now and forever and ever.So be it.

    Conclusion: The quantity of intelligence is constant, only the atheist crowd grows!

  6. Michael said: "People living for today" isn't something you have to imagine. Look at the debt crisis.

    Yep, and neither God nor the afterlife will fix it. Funny how little one's religious beliefs matter in dealing with such issues - either way it's our responsibility and with no divine help.

    Sorta like the dealing with the environment.

    Still... it's a good song.
