Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chesterton reflects on Mary and her Son

A nice reflection on Mother's Day from G.K. Chesterton:

When I was a boy a more Puritan generation objected to a statue upon my parish church representing the Virgin and Child. After much controversy, they compromised by taking away the Child. One would think that this was even more corrupted with Mariolatry, unless the mother was counted less dangerous when deprived of a sort of weapon. But the practical difficulty is also a parable. You cannot chip away the statue of a mother from all round that of a newborn child. You cannot suspend the new-born child in mid-air; indeed you cannot really have a statue of a newborn child at all. Similarly, you cannot suspend the idea of a newborn child in the void or think of him without thinking of his mother. You cannot visit the child without visiting the mother, you cannot in common human life approach the child except through the mother. If we are to think of Christ in this aspect at all, the other idea follows I as it is followed in history. We must either leave Christ out of Christmas, or Christmas out of Christ, or we must admit, if only as we admit it in an old picture, that those holy heads are too near together for the haloes not to mingle and cross.


  1. I can’t help but wonder if Christianity is in part based on a lie by a young trollop. “I swear Joseph, I never had sex; it’s a miracle!”


    1. KW, you really are despicable!

  2. Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut because she testifies before a congressional committee that she needs her Catholic university to buy her pills so she can continue to screw her brains out, and he's a sexist pig.

    KW calls the Virgin Mary a "young trollop," and that's okay.

    He's just trying to be inflammatory. He's a Christophobe of the first degree.


    1. I see your point, TRISH. It's okay to call a virgin a slut. Just don't call a slut a slut.

      KW, like most of his counterparts on Left is just trying to poke us in the eye with a stick. He wouldn't do that to Muslims or homosexuals or blacks. Only we are fair game.

      Hey, KW, do you understand now why I nearly vomit every time I hear some preachy liberal pontificate about tolerance?

      The Torch

  3. How wonderful and lovely truth can be.

  4. Trish says “Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a slut because she testifies before a congressional committee that she needs her Catholic university to buy her pills so she can continue to screw her brains out”

    Of course this is a lie. Fluke didn’t testify that she needs pills to “screw her brains out”. Rush’s ignorant sexist rant was a lie bases smear pure and simple. Trish is awfully quick to accept lies she finds comforting; not suprissing considering her life revolves around a fairy tale.

    If on the other-hand, a 14 year old girl comes to you pregnant and claims to be a virgin you would know beyond a doubt that she is lying. She can swear up and down that the Holy Ghost came upon her, but there’s not a fool alive that would believe her. Make the story a third-hand account that originated 2000 years ago and it becomes even less likely.


    1. KW,

      Fluke didn't say "screw her brains out" in those words, but that's what she meant. She had a full and active sex life, outside of marriage, and she doesn't understand why her Catholic university shouldn't be forced to subsidize it.

      The 14 year old girl you mention was the fulfillment of prophesy. Both she and Joseph were visited by angels who told her that she would give birth without ever having known a man.

      The point is that you called her a "trollop" which is another way for saying a slut, despite the fact that she's probably the least slutty woman in history. Is it okay to call a woman a slut now? It wasn't okay last month when an actual slut--Sandra Fluke-- was the center of media attention. Suddenly, it became unacceptable to call any woman a slut, even if she fit the profile.

      Why are you being so inflammatory, KW? Are you trying to start a fight?


    2. The 14 year old girl you mention was the fulfillment of prophesy.

      Its awfully funny that the contemporaneous people closest to the issue, who knew more than a little bit about the prophecies in the Torah, almost universally rejected that Jesus' birth actually fit the prophecies. Of course, to try to jam Jesus into the prophecies, the writers of the Gospels came up with mutually contradictory accounts of his birth, but that's okay. It's just a fairy story anyway.

      Both she and Joseph were visited by angels who told her that she would give birth without ever having known a man.

      So if a pair of kids came to you and said "she's pregnant but we never had sex, and you should believe us angels came to us", you'd find that plausible?

  5. "Why are you being so inflammatory, KW? Are you trying to start a fight?"

    Yes, that's exactly what he's trying to do. It's a common tactic among Christian-haters. They insult you repeatedly until they get a rise out of you. Then they accuse you of being a bad Christian for reacting in anger.


    1. They don't do that with Muslims. I wonder why?


    2. They don't do that with Muslims. I wonder why?

      Except atheists frequently do. If you paid any attention at all, you'd know this.

  6. It is quite obvious that in the final analysis, KW is a deeply unhappy person. As such, he deserves our pity.
