Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wendy Davis is outraged...

... that politicians are using abortion politics to make a name for themselves:

Overnight Star Wendy Davis Condemns Politicians Using Abortion Issue 'To Boost Their Own Political Aspirations':

WENDY DAVIS: "You know, I think really what's happening here... is politicians are using this issue to boost their own political aspirations, their own political aspirations, their own political ambitions . . ."


It'd be funny, if it weren't so sick.


  1. The hitherto unknown senator recently announced that she won't rule out running for governor.

    But she's not boosting her own political aspirations. Sicko.

    In other news, one of Tiller the baby killer's assistants stabbed to death a thirty-five week old baby, delivered alive after the toxin failed to kill him.

    “Well, my job, like I said, my job was to hold the leg and count the parts, if it was in pieces. And this was…maybe 35 weeks. That’s pretty big….It was a big baby….[the] baby came out, and it was moving. I don’t know if it was alive or if it was nerves, I have no clue. But Dr. Sella looked up right away at me and took a utensil and stabbed it, right here, and twisted. And then it didn’t move anymore.”


    1. This all about her political aspirations. She became a hero overnight.

      The Torch

  2. it's too much for some people to compute that pro-lifers oppose abortion for their actual stated reason--because it's violence against a child. there must always be an ulterior motive, such as political ambition. i wonder whom they're pandering too? a bunch of other people who only oppose abortion to boost their profile?


  3. nice tennis shoes though. she had so much pizzazz while she droned on and on about killing children.


  4. Texas has its own Kermit Gosnell Wendy Davis is obviously trying to save his bacon.

    The bill also included safety and hygiene standards which opponents say would shut down all but five abortuaries in the state, which tells you a lot about the safety and hygiene currently practiced there.


    1. It tells you that the Texas legislature doesn't agree with the American College of OB-Gyns, who think the supposed safety and hygiene standards are excessive. But what do they know, they're only specialists in the area.

    2. Yeah, specialists at killing children. We wouldn't want to be too safe or too clean.


    3. The bill would require that abortion clinics follow the same standards as ambulatory care centers.

      Scary! So they'll have to meet the same standards as everyone else. Oh, the horrors!

      It's funny how the people who want to keep abortion "safe, legal, and rare" are fighting to keep safety standards low. Women die in abortion clinics all the time. Where's the outrage?

      Safe, legal, and rare...just forget the first and last words.

      The Torch

    4. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 9:34 AM

      Anon: "American College of OB-Gyns, who think the supposed safety and hygiene standards are excessive..."

      Source, please? What I read on the ACOG website is this:

      The Texas bills are a compilation of over-reaching measures to control when, where, and how a woman has an abortion.
      --- ACOG Texas District Chair Lisa M. Hollier, MD, MPH

      She's commenting on the moral and political dimensions. I respect, but do not agree with, her opinion, but it's quite different from criiticizing the bill for "excessive" safety and hygiene.

      Are you making it up? Or lying? A source would clear up the misunderstanding immediately.

    5. I was thinking about that safe, legal, and rare, platitude. If we assume their premise--that only five abortion clinics will exist in the whole state if the bill is passed--won't that make abortion rarer? I think that's what they fear most.


    6. If we assume their premise--that only five abortion clinics will exist in the whole state if the bill is passed--won't that make abortion rarer?

      Canada has no restrictions on abortion at all, and yet the abortion rate in Canada is lower than the rate in the U.S. Explain that.

    7. Women die in abortion clinics all the time.

      No. They don't. The mortality rate of women who have an induced abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 abortions. The mortality rate of women who deliver is 8.8 per 100,000. Having an abortion is much safer for a woman than delivering a baby.

    8. Yeah, specialists at killing children.

      I assume you don't know what "Obstetrician" or "Gynecologist" means.

    9. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 10:05 AM

      Anon: "Is it really that hard to use a search engine yourself?"

      Not at all. Amazingly, that's how I found the ACOG website and the quote from the Texas District Chair. I find it's so much simpler, and far more accurate, than parroting what I find on hate sites.

      And by the way, you forgot to include the link.

    10. Canada's isn't "much lower" than ours.

      The most recent stats on that subject are as follows:

      Percentage of pregnancies terminated by abortion in Canada: 19.8%
      USA: 22.2%

      Here's an explanation. Canada is a much whiter country. Planned Parenthood loves killing minority children.

      That's not the point. The point is that they fear that women won't have "access" to an abortion clinic. Sounds like rarity is not their goal. If I wanted children to have "access" to cigarettes, I don't think I could then claim that I want to make tobacco use among children rare. Access is what people demand when they want it free and easy.

      Here's a funny one from the Associated Press:

      Abortions rates are down and they just can't figure out why!

      "The reason for the decline wasn't clear, but some experts said it may be due to better use of birth control during tough economic times."

      Wouldn't abortions go up in tough economic times?

      "While many states have aggressively restricted access to abortion, most of those laws were adopted in the past two years and are not believed to have played a role in the decline."

      I thought the reason wasn't clear? They know simply that it can't be THAT because that would ruin a perfectly good narrative. In any case, state abortions laws got tighter and the abortion rate went down. If your Canadian example is illustrative, it would have gone up--tighter laws, more abortions.

      "Mississippi had the lowest abortion rate, at 4 per 1,000 women of child-bearing age. The state also had only a couple of abortion providers, and has the nation's highest teen birth rate. New York was highest, with abortion rates roughly eight times higher than Mississippi's. New York is second only to California in number of abortion providers."

      Yeah, but don't close abortion clinics, or we might have more abortions. New York is an abortion enthusiasts wet dream, which might explain why they kill more children. They have more abortion clinics than any other state save California, and the highest abortion rate. California's might be higher but they don't submit stats.


    11. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 10:30 AM

      Anon: "The mortality rate of women who have an induced abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 abortions."

      True, BUT...

      The Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion "charity", reports that

      The risk of death associated with abortion increases with the length of pregnancy, from one death for every one million abortions at or before eight weeks to one per 29,000 at 16–20 weeks—and one per 11,000 at 21 or more weeks.

      A rate of 1 per 11,000 is equivalent to a rate of 9.1/100,000, a figure higher than carrying the baby to term. And those are deaths, not including complications.

      Maybe those "excessive" safety and hygiene regs aren't so "excessive" after all.

    12. @anon:

      [The mortality rate of women who have an induced abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 abortions. The mortality rate of women who deliver is 8.8 per 100,000. Having an abortion is much safer for a woman than delivering a baby.]

      The mortality rate for abortions is 100,000.6 per 100,000 abortions.

      If you're only counting females, its 50,000.6 per 100,000.

    13. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 10:47 AM

      Your point is powerfully made, Doctor. But 100,000.6/100,000 is only a goal in the Lackwit Administration. Right now, a small number of babies survive that aren't being killed.

      Here's the recommended Obama Technique:

      Well, my job, like I said, my job was to hold the leg and count the parts, if it was in pieces. And this was…maybe 35 weeks. That’s pretty big….It was a big baby….[the] baby came out, and it was moving. I don’t know if it was alive or if it was nerves, I have no clue. But Dr. Sella looked up right away at me and took a utensil and stabbed it, right here, and twisted. And then it didn’t move anymore.
      --- Tina David, LPN

      We have a ways to go before we're all trained to stab babies. But it's a sacrament in Progressive Materialist dogma, so it shouldn't be long until it's taught in public schools.

    14. TRISH,

      I grew up in the Bronx and you are correct about New York being an abortionist's paradise. So many children are killed. Lots of girls get pregnant, too many. Lots have abortions. I'd prefer a girl bring the child to term but there's always a third, ignored option, which is keeping their pants on. It worked for me.

      Abortion is, as you say, "free and easy" where I come from, and there's lots of it. I find it hard to believe that making it freer and easier would reduce the incidence of it, but then again it's hard to think of a way to make it freer and easier than it already is. It's a regular revolving door. Get pregnant, have an abortion, get pregnant, have an abortion. Round and round we go.

      --Francisca S.

    15. The mortality rate for abortions is 100,000.6 per 100,000 abortions.

      Well, except for the fact that you are completely full of shit on this, and even Aquinas would have told you that.

    16. And by the way, you forgot to include the link.

      The whole sentence was the link. Moron.

      I'm amazed that someone as clearly stupid as you can even find the internet.

    17. @anon:

      [Well, except for the fact that you are completely full of shit on this, and even Aquinas would have told you that.]

      An abortion is defined as 'the induced death of the child.'

      If there is no death, the abortion was a failure.

    18. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 2:54 PM

      Anon, you mean the whole sentence was intended to be the link. Unfortunately, you fucked it up. It's doesn't work. Not in Firefox, at least.

      And I'm sorry I questioned your veracity! Why, I should have known that a person with your vast and impressive credentials should simply be taken at face value, Mr Anonymous. Just as I'm sure you knew that the risks of a late-term abortion were higher - in other words, not safer - than a full-term delivery. You just fucked that up, too. It's that pesky long division. Stupid as I am, I'm always glad to help a brilliant guy like you.

      Now, for the EXTRAORDINARILY slow, here's what the TX-ACOG says:

      Abortions at 16 weeks and later ARE ALREADY REQUIRED to be provided at a facility licensed as an Ambulatory Surgical Center


      Texas-ACOG opposes additional standards that single out abortion services from other outpatient procedures.


      I'll tell you why...

      TX-ACOG opposes additional abortion regulations. Bankers oppose new mortgage regulations. Automakers oppose upcoming mileage regulations. Coal miners oppose new environmental regulations. And restaurants oppose new labeling regulations.

      Are you fighting for the professionals, the experts, the specialists, in banking, automotive manufacturing, coal mining, and food service? ;-)

      There is a torrent of federal money about to be unleashed for abortions. So it's a simple puzzle to solve... cui bono?

      I'm sure a brilliant mathematician like you, The Anonymous Master of Long Division, can reason through that one on your own without further embarrassing yourself.

    19. The ACOG sold out to the abortion-mongers a while ago. It's what these abortion-loving scum do everywhere-- they infiltrate and dominate.

    20. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 4:16 PM

      Egnor, you are correct. Here is a quote from the American Journal of Public Health (N. Aries, 2003):

      A case study of abortion related policymaking by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) from 1951 to 1973 demonstrates that despite the theoretical model of science-driven medical care, science was the ideological veneer for the profession’s political position. While its leadership sought to appeal to a familiar, professionally dominant, scientifically justified foundation in support of abortion guidelines for practicing physicians, a close reading of the history demonstrates that the policymaking process was deeply politicized and forced to respond to social demands beyond the medical establishment...

      Data for this study were drawn from the archives at ACOG. These include verbatim transcripts of all Executive Board meetings, committee reports and correspondence that was distributed to the Board as part of the official record.

      So much for the hallowed "doctor-patient" relationship, eh?

  5. I seem to remember KW whining that the real tragedy of the Kermit Gosnell murder spree was not the killing of children but the fact that free market capitalism allowed such unsanitary conditions to persist.

    As if the abortion industry really wants to be inspected, held to standards, etc. Most businesses detest governmental oversight, the baby-killing industry is no exception, but let's stop kidding ourselves--the lack of oversight is not the product of free market capitalism, of which we have none in this country. The lack of oversight is the result of rabid pro-abortionists protecting their turf.

    The Torch

    1. Your memmory is faulty.


    2. I'm sorry, I meant Troy. Thank you for the correction.

      The Torch

  6. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 10:01 AM

    Love Letters from the Inclusive, Tolerant Left:

    [TX] State senator Donna Campbell, who issued the third point of order against Davis’s filibuster (which ended it), has also been the target of extensive verbal abuse from pro-choice protesters, according to her spokesman Jon Oliver.

    They’ve received Facebook messages and e-mails saying, “I hope you’re raped” and “I hope your daughter’s raped,” Oliver tells me.

    --- Betsy Woodruff, NRO

    Yep, it's all about "excessive" safety and hygiene.

    1. Yes, let's not get excessive in our safety and hygiene in "medical" clinics. Relax and enjoy some of the filth Dr. Gosnell has in store for you.


    2. These people obviously want to run on a platform of abortion after twenty weeks and dirty abortion clinics. They must think it's a winning formula.

      Here's a sign from the pro-abortion rally in Texas.If I wanted the government in my womb, I'd F*** a senator.
      And the person holding it is a child. Cute.

      --Francisca S.

  7. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJuly 3, 2013 at 12:34 PM

    Tweet o' the Day:

    Following a pro-abortion counter-demonstration involving Progressive abortion supporters chanting "Hail, Satan!"...

    @KurtSchlichter: The Democrats do not support chanting #HailSatan. Satan is a patriachal oligarch who refuses to pay his fair share. Plus he believes in God.

  8. And Wendy is not using 'abortion' to make her political name?
