Beautiful music video from Kansas lead singer and producer John Elefante. The song is based on the true story of his adopted daughter, who was saved from death by her young mom, who decided on adoption rather than killing her child.
“I can’t imagine life without my daughter, Sami, and it just breaks my heart that pregnant young women much like her birth mother, instead of choosing life for their babies, are denying them the chance to be born,” Elefante said. “If our song can in any way bring attention to this issue and encourage those who are considering abortion to choose life through options such as adoption, then we couldn’t be happier.”
We need to take back the culture. Beautiful work like this in the arts is very powerful.
Speaking of which, have you seen Bella yet? It made a crusty old neurosurgeon cry.
I have seen Bella, and it was a spectacular movie. Made me cry too. --Andy