Saturday, April 14, 2012

Novella on just another example of the purposeless of biology

Steven Novella has a good post on neural complexity in the brain.

Keep in mind as you're reading it that Novella believes that all of this elegance arose without intelligent agency-- without God.

Stuff changed and survivors survived, and voila! The human brain. Just chance and tautology.

Darwinian explanations for living things are silly drivel. This idiot theory would have been laughed into obscurity if it had not served an ideological agenda.

An idiot theory serving an idiot agenda. Darwinism. 


  1. An idiot theory serving an idiot agenda.

    As Martin Gardner observed, one of the hallmarks of a crank is that "He has strong compulsions to focus his attacks on the greatest scientists and the best-established theories."

    We all welcome Michael Egnor to the world of cranks.

  2. Marx and Freud have long been discredited but it seems atheists are hanging on to Darwin as if their life depended on it and accordingly they won't let the facts confused the issue!

  3. Hippocrates, both of you.

    "Stuff changed and survivors survived, and voila! The human brain. Just chance and tautology."

    Oh, but a magical invisible man snapped his fingers and created a whole person out of dirt. Then a mate for him from his rib.

    Yeah. THAT sounds plausible ...

    "..but it seems atheists are hanging on to Darwin as if their life depended on it and accordingly they won't let the facts confused the issue!"

    And theists hang on to their bedtime story fairy tale of magic as if THEIR lives depended on it. Because they just cant stand to be proven wrong

    1. Atheists hang on to chaos, i.e. random mutations, and worship Natural Selection as their God. NS has so much creative power!

      A real flock of Dodos... s'cuse me.. Bozos!

    2. Hippocrates, both of you.

      Hippocrates ????!!!!

  4. It seems the main point of Novella’s post is “What the researchers found is that the primate brain’s wiring appears to be much more simply organized than suspected.” That’s pretty much the opposite of what you would expect an opponent of evolution to draw attention too


    1. ...the primate brain’s wiring appears to be much more simply organized...

      They were certainly examining YOUR BRAIN!
