Thursday, September 3, 2015

Christian county clerk sent to jail for her opposition to gay marriage

It begins. There will be much more of this--this is, after all, the purpose of the gay marriage movement.

The gay marriage movement isn't about gay marriage--only a tiny fraction of gays get 'married', and all of the legal perks of marriage are already available in civil unions, contracts, etc.

The purpose of the gay marriage movement is to force Christians to deny their faith or to face jail or unemployment. It began with the bakers and the photographers, whose livelihoods were ruined by the Gaystapo.

Now they're jailing Christian county clerks.

Think of it this way: Kim Davis is in jail for her Christian faith, and 11 million illegal aliens are exempt from the law.

God bless America.


  1. She can't be fired because she is an elected official.

    She hasn't violated any law, because there is no gay marriage law in Kentucky.

    This is the beginning of the criminalization of Christianity in America, and the beginning of the civil disobedience. It will spread. It will, I suspect, lead in time to a civil war.

  2. "This is the beginning of the criminalization of Christianity in America, and the beginning of the civil disobedience. It will spread. It will, I suspect, lead in time to a civil war."

    Get off your high horse. There is no criminalization of Christianity. All you are seeing is a society that now can criticize the more ridiculous aspects of Christianity without suffering consequences. I think that I will buy more stock in aluminum foil companies. With people like you, I can't lose.
