Saturday, January 25, 2014

After the Ship of Fools, I didn't think I could laugh any harder

Idiot Fracking Protesters Glue Themselves to Gas Pumps – At Wrong Gas Station

 Is the Green Movement getting funnier, or is it just me...


  1. Adm. G Boggs, Glenbeckistan NavyJanuary 25, 2014 at 7:37 AM

    It's a pity they stopped using the pillory. It's a perfect match for the crime. A couple of hours on a busy public square, a rotten tomato or two, and some good, old-fashioned mockery might go a long way toward instilling some sense in these silly berks.

    Look at all that plastic they're wearing. And I'll never forget this gem.

  2. Replies
    1. If they made this into a Broadway comedy, we'd think it was funny, although too zany to be real.
