Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a New York Times interview in 2009:
[Question by reporter]: Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?
JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong. [emphasis mine]
The McRae case was decided in 1980. So for at least seven years after Roe v. Wade, future Justice Ginsburg was untroubled by her knowledge that abortion was a strategy for eliminating certain kinds of people.
In case you were wondering what Ginsburg was doing in the 1970's, in 1972 she co-founded the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU. In 1973, she became the ACLU's General Counsel, where she remained until she was appointed to the federal bench in 1980.
During the time she was the ACLU's General Counsel, by her own admission, she believed that the purpose for Roe vrs Wade-- which she passionately supported and still supports-- was to eliminate certain kinds of people by abortion.
What kind of people, pray tell, did Ginsburg have in mind? (see above)
Since 1973, black children have been aborted at a rate twice that of whites. Planned Parenthood preferentially sites their abortion mills in minority neighborhoods, and PP accepts contributions designated to prevent the birth of black babies. From a telephone sting by Lila Rose's Live Action:
Bottom line:
Justice Ginsburg admits that she knew for years that the abortion movement is motivated by desire to limit 'population growth' of blacks, and remained silent.
What kind of people, pray tell, did Ginsburg have in mind? (see above)
Since 1973, black children have been aborted at a rate twice that of whites. Planned Parenthood preferentially sites their abortion mills in minority neighborhoods, and PP accepts contributions designated to prevent the birth of black babies. From a telephone sting by Lila Rose's Live Action:
The donor and a representative of New Mexico Planned Parenthood were recorded as saying:
Donor: "I really face trouble with affirmative action. I don't want my kids to be disadvantaged ..."
Planned Parenthood representative: "Yeah."
Donor: "... against blacks in college. The less black kids out there the better."
Planned Parenthood representative: "Yeah, yeah, it's a strange time to be sure."
Rose claimed that Planned Parenthood development officials in all seven states that her group contacted gave similar responses and were encouraging donations that were limited to funding only abortions for black women.
A spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood wrote FOX News that the group questioned the “authenticity of elements of these edited tapes” and added that Planned Parenthood had expanded its employee training program so that employees understand that “our organization helps all individuals — regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation.”'Expanding the training program' is an admission of the authenticity of the tapes.
Bottom line:
Justice Ginsburg admits that she knew for years that the abortion movement is motivated by desire to limit 'population growth' of blacks, and remained silent.
The abortion debate in this country really boils down to this question: Should we continue to pursue a policy of racist baby-killing, or should we change course? It's that simple. For it or against it. Make a decision.
I'm against it, personally, but to hear a little from the racist baby-killer perspective, give KW a chance to get his morning coffee and log in to his computer. I want to hear both sides.
DeleteLittle John
So Trish, that’s what abortion boils down to? Really? So, if it could be shown that there was no racist component to abortion you would think it’s ok? What you and Egnor are actually doing is shamelessly playing the race card against abortion. With all the subtle racist crap that Egnor pedals without a peep of protest from you, this sudden concern for the black population reeks of hypocrisy.
Toots: "You surely know that and you are lying"
DeleteGood work, Toots. I can feel the woowoo waves from here. You should buy a new turban, go to Vegas, and make a million bucks telling people you don't know what they're thinking. Might even get a spot on MSNBC, But the competition there is pretty stiff.
You feel woowoo waves everywhere, Gramps. Time to order a new tinfoil hat.
Toots: "You surely know that and you are lying"
DeleteThe Force is strong with this one.
Gramps, it's time to cry about the abuse of the disabled, slam the door, and move on to mooning other liberals in this thread.
Tootles, I'll decide when it's time.
DeleteSpoken like a true Progressive, Tootles. Typical of the breed.
DeleteIs your butt plug misaligned this morning, QorZ? (I know, those telephone keypads are so complicated!)
"So, if it could be shown that there was no racist component to abortion you would think it’s ok?"
DeleteWell, first if all, you can't show that it isn't racist. But even if you could, it would still be baby-killing. Nonracist baby-killing is nearly as bad.
"If abortion were race-neutral in this country, you'd still be opposed to it. You would just come up with a different reason than racism."
Yes, I would still be opposed to it. I wouldn't have to "come up with" a reason either. The fact that kids are dying is good enough.
What exactly am I 'lying' about?
You were lying that the abortion debate boils down to something racist. You've just acknowledged that it is not, in fact, about race.
Trish, Tootles has a problem with complicated thoughts. It's difficult for him to comprehend that a thing can be both evil and racist.
DeleteAnd, of course, abortion is racist by the very definition of Holder's DoJ, which as a matter of policy defines "racist" as disparate impact; i.e., a statistical "imbalance" disfavoring a certain privileged and identifiable group(s).
Or maybe I can see through the silly shenanigans the Right employs. They want to paint abortion as racist just to score points against abortion. But Trish went even further out on a limb, suggesting it all boils down to racism. It's all about killing black babies, you see.
DeleteWell it ain't and Trish knows it ain't. She has acknowledged that much. So she's deliberately mischaracterizing what the abortion debate is about.
Go cry into your nurse's bosom, Gramps.
Tootles: "She has acknowledged that much."
DeleteActually, I think she asked "What exactly am I 'lying' about?"
You can check that. :-)
Tootles: "she's deliberately mischaracterizing what the abortion debate is about"
The Force is strong with this one.
And there is a disparate impact in abortion. According to Progressive legal theorists, that means it is de facto racist, just like bank loans, incarceration rates, and public school disciplinary practices, to name just a few.
Lemme clue you in, old pal.
DeleteHoo: "If abortion were race-neutral in this country, you'd still be opposed to it. You would just come up with a different reason than racism."
TRISH: "Yes, I would still be opposed to it."
That's an acknowledgment that the debate about abortion does not, in fact, boil down to racist things.
Feel free to throw another tantrum, Gramps. The day is still young.
Hoo: "If abortion were race-neutral in this country, you'd still be opposed to it. You would just come up with a different reason than racism."
DeleteTRISH: "Yes, I would still be opposed to it."
I think she asked "What exactly am I 'lying' about?" It appears to me she's been completely candid. If accusing someone you don't even know of deliberately lying (is there a different kind?) is the best argument you have, you should go back to licking the sidewalk.
Gramps, you're a partisan defending one of your own. She made this statement:
Delete"The abortion debate in this country really boils down to this question: Should we continue to pursue a policy of racist baby-killing, or should we change course? It's that simple."
It is clear as day to anyone that the abortion debate in this country does NOT boil down to his question. When I asked Trish to confirm that she would continue to oppose abortion even if abortion stats were uniform across races, she affirmed it. So she knows full well that the debate has nothing to do with race and has everything to do with a woman's choice. So yes, she deliberately misrepresented what the debate is about.
And all you can do about this is spin. Don't get dizzy or you'll throw up. Your nurse will not be pleased.
Boggs, apparently you’re not familiar with the idiom “boils down to”. It means “to be reduced to its essentials”. Trish said the abortion debate boils down to a “policy of racist baby killing” not a policy of baby killing, but racist baby killing. Understand?
DeleteI don’t think Trish is lying, she’s just being sloppy in hear eagerness to join in playing the race card. It’s not often that you guys have an opportunity to look like you actually support minorities.
Tootles: "[Trish] you are lying"
DeleteTootles: "I don’t think Trish is lying"
We have Two-Tootles-In-One!
Gramps, it's a different anon. Curio maybe, although it's hard to tell.
DeleteI never call you Boggs, you old fool.
Sorry, that was me.
I will say it’s a nice change of pace to see a picture of a black person on this site that isn’t selected to portray the subject as angry, ugly, or menacing.
Trog: "Ginsberg admits no such thing"
ReplyDeleteRight. She probably meant future welders. Or catholic neurosurgeons. Lawyers, perhaps? Constitutional lawers?
The problem, of course, is that you just can't predict who you're eliminating if the criteria aren't demographic, genetic, or otherwise obvious. You could abort all babies of Mexican immigrants. Or all babies with black mothers. Or poor mothers. But you can't, for example, abort all internet trolls. You just can't tell who will end up in that category.
The choices are limited. Pick one, Trog.
[A]bortion has taken 17 million African American lives since 1973... The abortion movement has targeted minorities since its inception. There is no greater step one can take to oppose racism today than to oppose the expansion of abortion..."
--- Dr Alveda King (niece, MLK)
But Dr King's niece is just one voice among many.
Trog is more ideologically sympatico with Dr Kermit Gosnell.
There are views on both sides!
Roger Baldwin, co-founder of the ACLU: "I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself… I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. I don’t regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted, and I traveled the United Front road to get it."
ReplyDeleteThis guy is off his rocker. (And I don't mean Baldwin.) What does ACLU, or commies for that matter, have anything to do with the topic of this thread? You paranoid, Michael?
Tootles: "What does ACLU... have anything to do with the topic of this thread?"
DeleteIn case you were wondering what Ginsburg was doing in the 1970's, in 1972 she co-founded the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU. In 1973, she became the ACLU's General Counsel, where she remained until she was appointed to the federal bench in 1980.
--- Egnor, above
You're welcome.
Conservatives have a problem with the protecting civil liberties; they want to be able to decide which lunch counters you’re allowed to eat at, where you have to sit on the bus, and what God you must pray too in order to participate in government. The ACLU gets in their way.
Progressives have a problem with protecting civil liberties; conservatives want to be able to decide what they eat for lunch, whether to take the bus, and be able to pray to God and participate in government. The ACLU does, sometimes, try to force them to obey the Progressives and stop them from exercising their civil liberties.
DeleteForeign trolls, on the other hand, care little for civil liberties or the Constitution and are mainly interested in living off money confiscated from conservatives and "redistributed" to them. Check your privilege, trolls.
Commissar, that retort was simply splendid!!!
DeleteDaily Truth™:
ReplyDeleteSen Howard Baker asked one of the most famous questions in American history during the Watergate debacle:
"What did the President know and when did he know it?"
That same question has been raised about Presidents ever since.
But, thanks to the Most Transparent Administration Evah, we know the answer for the current occupant of the Oval Office: enjoy.
There's a nice campaign in upstate New York that was started by pro-life African Americans called "Am I Not a Child?"
ReplyDeleteThe few videos on the youtube channel are all worth watching.
If you actually look at abortion statistics you will see that abortion among the poor has been going up dramatically. It’s only because black women are far more likely to be poor that white women that this racial disparity in abortion exists in the first place. If anything, your twisting of the statistics to selectively attack abortion in the black community is yet another indication of your racism. Poor Black women have a hard enough time gaining access to reproductive healthcare without racial conspiracy theories designed to make it even harder.
Sounds like the name of a heavy metal band, Popeye: Twisted Statistics.
Delete"Poor Black women have a hard enough time [killing their babies] without racial conspiracy theories."
Seems pretty easy to me, Popeye. Just call 1-800-DOC-GOSNELL. Operators are standing by.
Wasn’t Gosnell gunned down by one of your allies already? Or am I thinking of someone else?
You're obviously well-informed and on top of things, Popeye.
Sorry, I don’t watch Fox, so I don’t have Bill O’Reilly and his cohorts telling me the names of doctors that need murdering.
Here you are KW. A link. As you can see, Gosnell wasn't 'gunned' down. He was prosecuted for murder.
Lincoln was a bit of a racist, too, and Jefferson. But I don't see you complaining about those guys. Let's face it, racism is just a hammer you use when you have no other argument.
ReplyDeleteTroy:"Ginsberg admits no such thing. She refers to "populations that we don’t want to have too many of", which you translated into "blacks". Perhaps she meant "racist Catholic brain surgeons", or "poorly educated people", or whatever."
That's an interesting concept you've come up with, Troy. I wasn't aware people were born poorly educated and that by eliminating them through abortion we could improve the overall intelligence of society. Gee, you're smart.
Where did I say or imply that "people were born poorly educated and that by eliminating them through abortion we could improve the overall intelligence of society"? Hint: nowhere.
ReplyDeleteHowever, given the low upward social mobility in the US, people born from poor parents tend to stay poor themselves, so there is that positive correlation.
The safest way and both women do abortion herself until the age of 12 weeks of pregnancy is by taking two medications: Mifepristone
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ReplyDeleteوقد كانت نتيجة قبول العملاء لخدماتنا فى منتهى الدقة والروعة موفرين افضل العمالة من العمالة المصرية - الباكستانية - الفلبينية - البنجالية الى جانب توفير عمالة من النساء مع منظفات عالية الجودة والدقة والقدرة العالية على التنظيف وادوات تنظيف حديثة الصنع عالية الكفاءة وتوفير ماكينات البخار ما جعلنا دائما فى الصدارة من شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض - شركة تنظيف مساجد بالرياض - شركة تنظيف موكيت بالرياض - شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض - شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض - شركة تنظيف واجهات حجر بالرياض - شركة تنظيف مكيفات اسبليت بالرياض فلا داعى للاتصال بشركة تنظيف اخرى حتى تكمل مسيرة شركتنا فى التنظيف فخدماتنا متكاملة ولا ينقصها اى شئ من الدقة والجودة وافضل الاسعار والالتزام بالمواعيد .
واليكى عزيزى العميل عدة نصائح من شركة ثراء الخليج حتى يظل المنزل نظيفا اطول فترة ممكنة
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شركة انوار الجنه افضل شركة عزل مواسير المياه بالدمام حيث يضمن للعملاء الحصول على مياه نقية خالية من التلوث.
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