Friday, October 12, 2012

Bonus question: which guy is next in line to the presidency?

I got a chance to watch more of the debate. Biden was horrendous. He incessantly sneered, laughed at bizarre moments, and interrupted. Ryan was polite, informed, and serious.

The dichotomy was hard to watch.

Although aberrant unseriousness is Biden's trademark, I think there was method here. Ryan had two trump cards in this debate: the facts and his command of them. Biden could not allow Ryan to explain things. If Biden permitted Ryan to talk unimpeded, the debate was over. So Biden had to interrupt and sneer and guffaw, to try to keep Ryan off stride. It was Biden's only hope.

But independent voters are particularly put-off by rudeness. So why would Biden alienate them with such brazen disrespect? I believe that Obamanoids have largely written off the undecideds, who have shifted massively to Romney, and are frantically trying to motivate their base. Boorishness and sneers are Spanish Fly to the Left.

Bottom line: in the two debates, Romney and Ryan have shown grace, diligence and intelligence. Obama and Biden have shown arrogance, detachment, and boorish incivility.

Which ones are the President and Vice-President, again? 


  1. Biden was horrendous. He incessantly sneered, laughed at bizarre moments, and interrupted.

    Oh, so your assessment of Biden is that he acted exactly like Romney did in the first debate. I guess that means Biden "won".

    1. No, but it seems that way to liberals like yourself, since you see logic and truth as some sort of unfair and incomprehensible ju-ju that conservatives use against you, and so are unable to tell the difference between coherent argument and mindless laughing and interruption.
