Wednesday, November 30, 2011

'and the baby fetus clump of tissue gets a free toy...!'

Abortion Rewards Card

Gruesome. It's a sick world.

Free Wi-Fi, VIP Treatment, and a $50 Abortion Discount (Sundays Only)
by A.W.R. Hawkins

The culture of death is not static. Rather, it constantly permeates those who partake in it, and especially those who promote it. Because of this, the lucid observer can see a continual degradation of human value and a shameless promotion of death-for-hire by abortionists who openly practice in the light what past generations would have done only in the dark of night (if they did it at all).
For example, in Florida, the Orlando Women’s Center (OWC) is currently offering a special $50 discount for abortions performed on Sundays. (Pay attention, folks, the price of killing our preborn children just got cheaper.) And in case the expecting mother would like to surf the Web before or shortly after her preborn child is killed, this same women’s center is “ pleased to announce that [it is] now offering Free Wi-Fi at [the] Orlando Women’s Center.”
Ain’t that great? Now mothers who want to have their preborn children killed can do so without fear of missing out on the score of the big football game, their latest updates on Facebook, or the most up-to-date news coverage available from
This convolution is a direct result of what the culture of death has done to the minds of many 21st century Americans. Those thus impacted seemingly have no compunction over running ads for discounted abortions and free Wi-Fi together as if they were a mom-and-pop store advertising “buy one, get one free” DVDs and free coffee.
And to make it all the more sickening and surreal, the OWC actually advertises a way for women to get around late-term abortion laws, so that now, even women who’ve carried their babies nearly to term can take advantage of the Sunday special and surf the Internet on a laptop while in the clinic.
Currently, Florida law prevents an abortion after 24 weeks if there’s a heartbeat. So the OWC’s solution is to get rid of the heartbeat.
I’m not kidding. Near the top of the OWC home page is a link on which women can click that reads: “Greater than 24 weeks Pregnant? Please click here.” When women click on it, the site opens, which informs women that they can fly to a covert clinic in Washington, D.C., and have their baby’s heart stopped so that they can then fly back to their home states and have the murdered child aborted. (FYI— doesn’t call it “murder.” Rather, they refer to it as an “intra-cardiac injection of medication into the fetal heart” that stops the heartbeat so that the mother can return “to her private physician to complete the induction of labor with delivery of the fetus.”)
By the way, actually describes its “compassionate” intervention to stop a “fetal heart beat” as a “much-needed service.” Moreover, it readily admits it is not more widely available due to “moral values” (as in, the moral values of the majority of the American people).
This isn’t compassionate, nor is it a much-needed service. It is murder by another name. And it’s advertisedshamelessly because the culture of death teaches its perpetrators not to think.

The abortion industry is big business. It's astonishingly lucrative. Kansas late term abortionist Dr. George Tiller performed committed over 60,000 abortions. At at least $1000 bucks a pop-- more likely as much as $2000 for a later term abortion, which was Tiller's specialty-- Tiller grossed $60,000,000 million during his "career". Overhead is low (how much can scissors and garbage bags cost?). And how technically challenging can the procedure be? You don't have to worry about killing someone. In fact, you're supposed to kill someone. 

It's remarkable that abortionists have figured out a way to make their craft even more repulsive. Sunday discounts, free Wi-Fi. My goodness... but don't think that it can't get worse. 

Just wait for the Mother's Day Specials.  


  1. But abortion is necessary. How else could atheists eat fetuses? Seriously, have you ever tried to eat a non-aborted fetus?

  2. Michael,

    Did you actually read the website you linked to? The one at the top, purportedly from Planned Parenthood, the have 5 abortions and get one free, links to a site called 'Pleasegodno', which is a spoof website, written by someone with an intelligence of a 3 year old and a sense of humor more in keeping with a common chimpanzee.

    Actually, the blogger is one extremely sick and depraved character, and this is another reason why I dislike you ... thanks for nothing for the link.

    Regarding the Orlando Women's Center. The main reason for late abortions (past 24 weeks) remains fetal malformations or maternal disease. You might disagree with these reasons. However, I don't think that you have the right to dictate to others what they are allowed to do with their own bodies.

    I personally am uncomfortable with late term abortions when there are maternal or fetal indications. If an elective abortion hasn't been done by 20 weeks at the absolute maximum, then I think they've missed the boat. Most should be done before 12 weeks.

    Attacking George Tiller after he was murdered by one of your fellow theists is a bit much. And abortion can be fatal for the adult too, particularly if carried out by an untrained medically unqualified person. Banning doctors from performing elective abortions means that botched backstreet abortions will again occur, with a recurrence of death in adults.

  3. But remember Bachfiend, Egnor and his like value fetuses and tissue that's not even a fetus yet, more than a woman.

    Need an abortion because your pregnancy will kill you? Too bad. Herr Egnor wont allow you. Because, after all, you're simply a woman and we all know woman was created after man from his rib, so you're inferior.

  4. Over here in the Netherlands abortion is for free, covered by universal health care. But guess what? In our godless society the abortion rate is lower than in the Social Darwinistic US of A. So if you want to have fewer abortions in America!, it might be a good idea to promote atheism and universal health care.

  5. Murder is murder. "Abortion", "termination", "execution" etc are just words to make the clinical white coated killers and their political quislings sleep better.
    Killing is the removal of all life potential, murder is doing so to defenceless or innocent person. Embryo, child, teen, old man - no difference. Life is LIFE. Murder is murder.
    You Atheists and other moral/philosophical slobs and cowards can pretend and defer and try to debate it away, but REAL people who are not afraid of pain and death will stand up against the killing of innocents.
    You may stand by and do and say NOTHING, or even worse: You may PROMOTE and DEFEND such murder as 'progress' and 'civilized'. But what of it? The only thing I can feel for you is PITY.
    You are tools in every sense of the word.
    May God forgive you and open your eyes to the Evil of these murderous actions, and the evil of supporting them.
    It is banal and simple stuff, as is most potent evil. Promiscuity leads to unwanted pregnancy leads to DEATH. It is a foul slope of vice and compounding evil, and this 'abortion on demand' is an industry of murder for convenience.
    Would you people nitpicking and flip flopping in the comments be so quick to consent to Chain gangs? Public beheading? gladiatorial games? Slavery? Or maybe that is too scary...maybe it is only okay when the victim of convenience and entertainment is a tiny unborn human being not even able to breath on it's own...or maybe a little old man, or a 'retard'...
    Consider the arrogant, selfish, cowardly and over simplistic nature of your position.

    In their own words:
    " You might disagree with these reasons. However, I don't think that you have the right to dictate to others what they are allowed to do with their own bodies."
    Bach thinks the baby's heart is part of his or her Mum.... right.... Baby is a tumour. That is why oncologists deliver him.

    "You would think with 60 trillion dollars Dr. Tiller could have bought some security against the Christian terrorist who murdered him"
    Excellent math, KW.
    Poor guy. In bet you cry every time you look at his signed poster, the one with the blood and placenta all over it, right next to bust of Reinhard Heydrich...
    Rushing to the defence of a man like Tiller - regardless of his end at the hands of fanatics- is simply revolting. Can't say I am surprised, KW.

    Another coward who goes by anonymous wrote:
    "Need an abortion because your pregnancy will kill you? Too bad. "
    Voluntary abortions are not medical abortions, and what EXACTLY are you talking about with regards to prgenancy killing people? RARE blood disorders? Most modern issues (breach etc) are dealt with EASILY with a C-Section. Bet you want to kill of the old folks too, eh? PS GET A NICKNAME or TAG. Maybe something like 'killer_of_cattle'?

    "Herr Egnor wont allow you. Because, after all, you're simply a woman and we all know woman was created after man from his rib, so you're inferior."
    HERR Egnor? TOO RICH! LOL! Dr Egnor is a Nazi (hence the German - lefties assume Germans are Nazis) because he opposes the mass killing of children deemed unworthy of existence.
    You, on the other hand, are 'liberal' and a feminist because you feel week and sick babies should DIE in the womb so their 'mothers' can continue a carefree sexually promiscuous lifestyle.
    Sounds like you need a free clinic yourself. A mental health clinic.
    Anon, Playing liberal may work for you in community college or high-school, but it wont pass among thinking adults. People like you are BLATANTLY reducing the value of ALL life, including women of every age with every point you advance. The sooner you realize that is the position you defend, the sooner you can safely abandon it for truth and goodness.

  6. Over here in France abortion is for free, covered by universal health care. But guess what? In our godless society the abortion rate is lower than in the Social Darwinistic US of A. So if you want to have fewer abortions in America!, it might be a good idea to promote atheism and universal health care.

    Please, say France is a Christian nation with a monarch.

  7. Crusader:

    You Atheists and other moral/philosophical slobs and cowards can pretend and defer and try to debate it away, but REAL people who are not afraid of pain and death will stand up against the killing of innocents.

    Actually, it's guys like you who are the real cowards, since you deny the reality of death: oblivion. When you're dead, you cease to exist, but you can't handle the truth (borrowing the words of a famous movie general played by Jack Nicholson). Cowards like you have invented an imaginary afterlife because you were too afraid to face the truth.

    By the way, during WWII the lives of my parents, who were little kids then, were saved by communist atheists who hid them at the risk of their own lives. So don't tell me that atheists are cowards.

  8. Troy,

    Crusade Rex's point is that he's good at bluster and spouting homilies and making them sound significant. Though they're not. All western democracies are secular states, to a greater or lesser extent, but CrusadeRex wants them to change back into theocracies. He wants his rigid moral values become compulsory.

  9. The other thing that I wonder about, how did Michael find the graphic at the top of his thread?

    He doesn't read 'Please God No' regularly, does he? It's a pretty sick site. I was tempted to disinfect the iPad after seeing it.

    And where did they get the graphic too? It's obviously bogus. I thought about 'the Onion' as being a possible source (they often publish articles which are close to the edge of decency, if not considerably over it), but no ...

    So Michael, where did you get it?

  10. Atheists commenting on this blog look to me as Cold Blooded Killers.

    This child was not planned, so let's get rid of IT!

    This person is old and useless, so let's get rid of IT!

    My neighbour is studid, so let's get rid of IT!

    You get the idea.


  11. Pepe,

    You're still an idiot. I'll excuse your 'my neighbor is studid'. (typos are easy, alas, as I know from experience), but how is asserting that a live sentient person has the right to decide what she is allowed to do with her body?

    And I prefer to think with my brain and not my heart, which really is just meat, unlike the brain which is a marvel of engineering produced by 3.8 billion years of mindless evolution.

  12. @bach:

    [So Michael, where did you get it?]

    The link is the caption.

  13. Michael,

    Yes, I know the caption is the link, although you've turned it around.

    But where did you get the link? The link goes directly to 'Please God No', which is a pretty sick website. I felt 'unclean' just looking at it. I suspect that if I'd been caught looking at it at work it would have been an automatic termination of employment offense.

  14. @bach:

    [I felt 'unclean' just looking at it.]

    Maybe you could just go to confession.

  15. Michael,

    Yes, but where did you get the link? How about answering a straight question for a change? It's intellectually dishonest to continue avoiding questions, when you expect everyone else to answer your questions after you've taken quotes out of context out of our comments. And my challenge for you to disprove the logic of AGW is still open, so that's two things you obstinately refuse to do.

    Pigheaded arrogant seems to me to be a reasonable description of you ... perhaps.

  16. Troy,
    I called you out for what you are and now you're sore. Poor kid. Want to end the angst?
    GROW UP. It's NEVER too late.
    Don't get your panties in a knot, you soft skinned little bigot. Focus on the subject.
    AND You really need to work on your tit-for-tat, too.
    You end up all tits...or tits up?
    I'll give you credit for your little trilogy, though. Some good ad hominem stuff.
    That must have taken up all your video game time.

    Too funny. You do have wit. I don't think Troy noticed what you did there - with your response.
    I am pretty sure that was intended as a joke anyway. If it was a serious critique, I think you need new glasses for your eyes and not whiskey, old boy.
    Your line to Pépé makes me wonder, however, if you were a little jolly at the time of writing :P
    You wrote:
    "And I prefer to think with my brain and not my heart, which really is just meat, unlike the brain which is a marvel of engineering produced by 3.8 billion years of mindless evolution."
    LMAO..... truly funny stuff, Bach. You're brain is MORE evolved than your heart? Is it not a HUMAN heart, 'evolved' to function in concert with ALL the human organs (ie the brain) and NO other creatures'?
    I mean you didn't pick your heart off a heart tree, or have one grown in a vat, did you? You were BORN with both your heart and brain, NO?
    So we must assume that one organ is not 'just meat' and the other the result of billions of years of 'mindless evolution' while both being part of the same organism. Unless your suggesting the heart was DESIGNED to operate a subordinate function to the brain? Like by an Engineer?
    But that is the PUNCHLINE
    ' mindless evolution.'
    Too funny.
    If you were not joking about, you must have been thinking with an even simpler set of muscles on the other end of your spine.

    PS Would you really have been fired for looking at an abortion site at work? I as honestly, as I have had friends say similar things about extremely strict internet policy in the UK. Political stuff over there. I am just wondering how far the restrictions have gone your way. We are writing that type of policy up this way, right I am interested in the various approaches - region to region.

  17. CrusadeRex,

    I prefer to think with my brain because that is what it evolved to do. The heart evolved to just pump blood, and doesn't do any thinking.

    Have a look at the 'Please God No' home page, not just the article Michael linked to. I'm pretty certain that anyone caught reading that website at work would have their employment terminated immediately.

    I suspect that it is a spoof website like 'the Onion' deliberately written to be provocative, but unlike 'the Onion' has gone far over the edge into being offensive. The graphic is minor compared to the other stuff. It's obviously bogus. The clothes hanger is just one of the giveaways.

    I was asking Michael how he found it. He still hasn't answered. Until he answers, I surmise that he reads 'Please God No' regularly.

  18. "I prefer to think with my brain because that is what it evolved to do."
    Did it? Great. I was born with mine.
    The brain is traditionally seen as the seat of the mind and the focus of all thoughts... so maybe it is less of a preference and more of a obligatory type thing that you think with your brain?

    "The heart evolved to just pump blood, and doesn't do any thinking."
    Again, I was born with mine already fully operative and reliant on the other systems, as they are on it. I would also add that there is no 'just' in pumping blood. As a soldier we learn all about that stuff early on. No blood flow = no life.

    Pépé is talking about EMOTION and HUMAN COMPASSION. When we refer to 'hearts and minds' in the military, we are not referring to grey matter and muscle tissue, and nor is Pépé doing so on here.

    "Have a look at the 'Please God No' home page, not just the article Michael linked to."
    I did, and there is some really nasty images on there. Porn, dead bodies, penises etc.

    "I'm pretty certain that anyone caught reading that website at work would have their employment terminated immediately."
    If it were on company computers/time, I could see censure or punitive remedy. I am not so sure about being fired, unless it interfered with work etc (ie playing games) or the images were considered illegal (ie kiddy porn). I
    We have some pretty strict laws on privacy here.
    But, I get your drift and tend to agree it looks like a nasty site.

    "I was asking Michael how he found it. He still hasn't answered. Until he answers, I surmise that he reads 'Please God No' regularly."
    I think you will find the answer has to do with a humorous image in an inbox and the desire NOT to save then upload. Blogger is easy with links. That said, the man is free to read what he likes, I suppose.

    "Atheists commenting on this blog look to me as Cold Blooded Killers."
    Cold blooded sure seems to be the attitude.

    " let's get rid of IT!"
    Says it ALL. Dehumanize the victim, then murder them free of guilt. Redefine life, consciousness, and sentience to make the process streamlined. Clinical, banal, and utterly evil.
    Very well illustrated, Pépé.

  19. @crusadeREX
    Dehumanize the victim, then murder them free of guilt. Redefine life, consciousness, and sentience to make the process streamlined. Clinical, banal, and utterly evil.

    You are right Crus, but I cannot imagine a human subscribing to this kind of behaviour. But some do!
    I am appalled...

  20. Amerika über allesDecember 1, 2011 at 6:55 PM



    Dear noxious mediocrity,

    There are plenty of things that we cannot see but that exist nonetheless. You might want to try another criticism.

  22. "Over here in the Netherlands..."

    That datum goes a long way toward explaining what's wrong with you. I am not sure the Netherlands has produced anyone worth paying attention to since Hugo Grotius.

  23. CrusadeRex,

    You truly are idiotic, you know that?
    Troy schooled you in his countrys' political structure, (which you thought you knew) and then you reply with some adolescent "awww, did i make you sore?" And then do some more name calling.. You are one angry person.

    Another thing i find interesting is that most of the time the anti-choice people are the same ones who are pro- death penalty.

  24. أمريكا أكبرDecember 2, 2011 at 7:10 AM

    Dear Robert O'Brien,

    If herpity durps your herp, is God derpingly herpless?

    I'll pray for you.

  25. O'Brien:

    That datum goes a long way toward explaining what's wrong with you. I am not sure the Netherlands has produced anyone worth paying attention to since Hugo Grotius.

    I see. Something is wrong with me because I live in a country that in your opinion has produced few people of interest during the last 300+ years.

    Very clever argument.

  26. Troy,

    Robert O'Brien is the character who insists now that there are things that we can't see that nevertheless exist. Previously, in the thread on Ed Feser's cosmological argument, he called someone a 'maroon' for stating that virtual particles are real, insisting that they are nothing more than an accounting trick.

    Tell that to the taxpayers who paid billions for the Large Hadron Collider, the main aim of which is to see what novel particles arise between the collision of virtual particles iwithin protons.

    He's also not able, apparently, to look at the list of famous Dutch people in the wikipedia

  27. bachfiend,

    Wikipedia is unreliable because it's written by left-wing extremists, America-hating atheist evolutionist liberals.

  28. BF, I quoted SLAC (formerly the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, now they just go by the acronym) on virtual particles. I could also quote some other mathematicians and physicists if you'd like. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people on the internet who elect to babble re: the ontology of virtual particles 1) have no idea of what they are talking about and 2) have not consulted a relevant expert. I am not a physicist or a mathematician working in a relevant area (I am a statistician who works in medical statistics) but I am covered under 2.

  29. Some anonymous dunce wrote:

    "Wikipedia is unreliable..."

    You should have stopped there.

  30. "I see. Something is wrong with me because I live in a country that in your opinion has produced few people of interest during the last 300+ years."

    I am glad we are on the same page!

  31. Although, perhaps I should be more charitable, since I have some good statistics books by Dutch statisticians. Naturally, I have to exempt them!

  32. Robert O'Brien: nice parody, I almost mistook you for a real fundie.

  33. O'Brien:

    Although, perhaps I should be more charitable, since I have some good statistics books by Dutch statisticians. Naturally, I have to exempt them!

    Let me guess: Tom Snijders.

  34. Hi Troy,

    I was thinking of A. W. van der Vaart. I was also thinking of Geert Verbeke and Geert Molenberghs but it turns out they are actually Belgian lol.

  35. Robert O'Brien,

    Why don't you go and read some books about particle physics instead of relying on what you read on the Internet? Lisa Randall's 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' is a reasonable beginner's guide to virtual particles, plus a lot of other things.

  36. BF,

    If I were relying on wikipedia, then you would have a point. The material I've read on the internet, however, was written by experts. I also asked a mathematician (with relevant expertise) what he thought and he said that he is on the fence re: the ontology of virtual particles. I am afraid you are the one who is behind the curve here by relying on popular works.

  37. Robert O'Brien,

    Lisa Randall isn't exactly just a popularizer of science. Arguing from authority is of course a fallacy, but I personally have more acceptance of a named professor of theoretical physics at Princeton than your unnamed mathematician with unstated expertise.

  38. Robert,

    The spam filter seems to be deleting comments after they've been accepted.

    Lisa Randall isn't just a popularizer of science. She's also a professor of theoretical physics at Princeton and an authority on particle physics.

    I know that arguing from authority can be a fallacy, but I have more acceptance of a named physicist than your unnamed mathematician at second hand.

  39. I found three of bach's posts in the spam filter. Freed! Sorry.

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