Among the three people killed at the Boston marathon bombing is 8 year old Martin Richard. He was waiting at the finish line to hug his dad, who was running in the race. His 6 year old sister reportedly lost a leg, and his mom underwent brain surgery for her injuries.
Please pray for Martin, his family, and all of the innocents killed and injured in this atrocity.
Let's hunt down the terrorist vermin who did this. And let's remember that there are people and institutions in this country who
collaborate with terrorists, who send
money and
weapons to terrorists, and who
hire terrorists.
We need to have zero tolerance for all of them-- terrorists, enablers and cronies alike.
Some commentators on this blog have gotten the vapors over some anti-Obama satire I have posted over the past couple of days, related to the investigation of this atrocity.
So is my satire appropriate?
Extraordinary situations call for extraordinary commentary. I do not satirize the victims, or their families, or the heroic first responders.
I honor them and I pray for them all.
I satirize the President and a few senior government officials who, astonishingly, have actual close personal relationships with terrorist bombers (!) Let me restate that: the POTUS--
the POTUS-- actually has had close political and social ties to admitted serial terrorist bombers.
Seeing Obama on TV talking about "bringing the culprits to justice" made me want to vomit. If Obama was focused on bringing terrorist bombers to justice, he could have called 911 when he was snacking on hors d'oeuvres at Ayers' and Dohrn's 1995 fundraiser in the terrorist bombers' living room. Ayers and Dohrn were leaders of the Weather Underground. They carried out scores of bombings.
In a very real way, Obama's political career got started by the largesse of terrorist bombers.
And Obama and his underlings insisted for weeks, despite obvious evidence to the contrary, that the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including our ambassador, was triggered by... a YouTube video. They had the videographer arrested (he's still in jail, ostensibly on a parole violation).
Of course, the YouTube video had nothing to do with the terrorist attack, and Obama et al obviously knew it. But a presidential election was looming, and politics took precedence over the truth.
So Obama-- the terrorists' crony who lies about terrorist investigations-- is ultimately running this investigation into the Boston bombing, and reassuring us that he will bring the terrorists to... justice.
Satire is the least I can do, because you can't cry and pound the desk and pull your hair out on a blog. Satire can be quite effective, and as Obama's hero Saul Alinsky knew, accurate satire is very difficult to refute. You see with the Obamaphile commentors on this blog. All they can do is insult, curse and threaten.
Rest assured-- there's more satire in the pipeline.
So God bless the victims and their families, and the heroic and diligent investigators working to solve this horrendous crime.
And may God forgive America for electing the coterie of leftist bastards and frauds who run our country. By their own association with terrorists and by their own lying about terrorist investigations, they bring such shame on all of us.